T2202 Tuition Tax Receipts
Vocational flight training at Spectrum Airways is eligible for a T2202 Canada Tuition Tax Credit.
What is Vocational Training?
Vocational training means training towards a Commercial Pilot Licence or Flight Instructor Rating. Private Pilot Licence training and Night Rating training will only be eligible if you are in pursuit of a Commercial Pilot Licence or in pursuit of an occupational skill.
What are the other requirements for a T2202?
Be enrolled in a course that is more than 3 weeks in duration.
Spend not less than 12 hours in the month on courses in the program (including ground school and PGI’s)
What will be included on my T2202 from Spectrum Airways?
The amount on your T2202 will include dual and solo hours for your programs up to the Transport Canada minimum hour requirements for each rating or licence. Unfortunately, it will not cover expenses above and beyond the minimum hours. Other costs associated such as licencing fees, books, materials, etc will also not be included. Your total hours per rating/licence will be carried over from previous years to comply with the Transport Canada minimum hour allowance.
As a reminder, Transport Canada minimum hours are listed below:
Private Pilot Licence: 45 hours total (33 Dual & 12 Solo)
Night Rating: 10 hours dual and 5 hours solo (5 hours can be used from PPL training & you must be enrolled in the CPL course for the Night Rating hours to be eligible)
Commercial Pilot Licence: 65 hours total (35 Dual & 30 Solo)
Multi-Engine Rating: no minimums
Instrument Rating: 40 hours Dual total
Flight Instructor Rating: 30 hours Dual & 25 hours PGI
When will my T2202 be issued?
The T2202 Form will be issued by Spectrum Airways at the end of February each year. You will receive an email from Spectrum Airways requesting information from you to begin the process. If you have not received this email by February 1st of each year, please contact us info@spectrumairways.com. You will receive an email when your T2202 is ready.
For further information from the CRA, please click here.