Commercial Flight Training
(ACPL Phases 4-6)

The Commercial Pilot Licence at Spectrum Airways is part of our ACPL (Advanced Commercial Pilot Licence) Program, encompasing Phase 4-6. You will complete your Multi-Engine Rating and Group 1 Instrument Rating within this program.


DUAL - 35 hours minimum

  • 5 hours dual night flying (2 hours dual night cross-country) 

  • 5 hours dual cross country flying (includes the dual night time) 

  • 20 hours instrument time (a maximum of 10 hours can be completed on the flight simulator)

SOLO - 30 hours minimum

  • 25 hours solo practice including a cross country flight of at least 300 NM in distance from the point of departure with 3 stops 

  • 5 hours of cross-country flying 

  • 5 hours of night flying (including 2 hours of night cross-country)

Commercial Pilot Ground School

A minimum of 80 hours of ground school sessions is required.

Topics required by Transport Canada for the CPL are of the same subject material for the PPL, however the depth and complexity of each subject that is expanded through the CPL course and requires a much greater understanding. Much of this advanced content includes information that is used within our Multi-Engine ratings and Group 1 Instrument Ratings.

The “Commercial Pilot Program” is approved as a vocational program under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005.