
Aircraft Acquisition or Selling your Aircraft is no small task. That is why we assist our customers with current market research, planning and understanding to get them into the right aircraft that suits their needs, lifestyle and budget. Working along side Spectrum Airways, Kovachik Aircraft services & Lawrence Aero gives us the resources to help our customers with anything they may require from purchasing, selling or managing their aircraft.

Please contact us at or call Hal (289) 339-4140

Hal Slominski – Sales & Acquisition Manager.

Hal Slominski graduated from Seneca College Aviation program in 2002. Hal’s experience ranges from Corporate Chief Pilot, which involved purchasing and selling high priced turbine aircraft, over 2500 hrs of Flight Instructing and 13 years in the Airlines. With over 9000 flight hours in aircraft ranging from small Piston, Turbo Props to Boeing 777 & 767, Hal has the experience and expertise to find your dream plane!